As a startup company is a newly formed business with particular momentum behind it based on perceived demand for its product or service. While creating a startup business intends to grow rapidly as a result of offering something that addresses a particular market gap. Let’s create your Business with our Startup Business Scripts and get the admin Commission for every transaction.
Startups are different from traditional businesses primarily because they are designed to grow fast and also increase your business profit. While in a startup is also associated with a business that is typically technology-oriented and has high growth potential.
Best Startup Business Scripts in 2020

Our Migrateshop’s offering most efficient and flexible clone scripts for both Website and Mobile Applications. Also you can earn admin commission for every transaction. Our Startup Business Scripts are
Airbnb Clone Script
Our Airbnb Clone Script is one of the best to start an Online Rental Business. Also, you can develop a mobile application with our Airbnb Clone App. We are offering different types of rental scripts like Property Rental Script, Accommodation Rental Script, and etc. While creating your own Space Rental Business with our Buy2rental Script you can earn through admin commission for every transaction.
Alibaba Clone Script
If you want to start B2B Trading Business Website then our Alibaba Clone Script is perfectly suited for you. Also, it’s the Readymade B2B Script so you can build a readymade trading website in a short period of time. Advance B2B Trading Marketplace Script developed by Migrateshop’s helps you to build your own business website.
Aliexpress Clone Script
Launch your own B2C eCommerce business Website like Aliexpress. Also, our Aliexpress Clone Script is the Complete Multivendor Clone Script. So you can customize your own business website with the help of our Droppshipping Aliexpress Clone Theme. Our Buy2Aliexpress is one of the best platforms for selling and buying fashion products in that Multi-merchant eCommerce store.
Etsy Clone Script
Here is one of the best Marketplace Script Open Source to start your own eCommerce business website like Etsy. And the Multivendor Marketplace WordPress Theme can help to create a marketplace website. Our Buy2etsy is the complete Marketplace Software to build and manage your eCommerce Marketplace Business website
EBay Clone Script
Our EBay clone script is the complete Auction Building Script. And also it’s the Online Auction Script for creating a website for product buying and selling likes the EBay Clone Website. Migrateshop’s Buy2ebay will make your online action website instantly.
Thumbtack Clone Script
Get your service marketplace business for mobile apps with our Thumbtack Clone App. It’s the perfect Domestic Service PHP Script to start your own domestic service business website. While using our Thumbtack Clone Script you can earn admin commission for every transaction.
Themeforest Clone Script
Our Themeforest Clone Script is the complete Digital Product Selling Script. Also, you can create and launch your own Online Action Business with our WordPress Auction Theme. The Multivendor Digital Product Marketplace is the online platform for selling and buying online products digital products like Evanto.
TaskRabbit Clone Script
Our Service Marketplace Solution is completely helpful for you to build a business website like TaskRabbit. Plus it’s the best Domestic Service Marketplace Script. It also offers the live demo option to know how our TaskRabbit Clone Script Woks.
Handy Clone Script
Our Handy Clone Scripts is the perfect Home Service PHP Script for creating your own P2P Service Marketplace Business Website. Also, we offer customized On-Demand Service App. While using our Handy Clone Script you can earn through admin commission for every transaction.
This is the Startup Business Scripts we provide for entrepreneurs to start their own business and start earning through our scripts.