Accommodation Rental Script can be customized for house rental, home rental, villa rental, room rental, property rental, or vacation rental. There are a wide variety of options available for admins to customize. In the end, all leads towards one-stop, user satisfaction, where we can say we have satisfied thousands of users and hosts to rent their vacant place through our Vacation Rental Marketplace Script.
Advantages of our Accommodation Rental Script

Our Rental Marketplace Script is the perfect solution to start your Accommodation Rentals Business. Here users can able to get the property to rent for their vacation with our Property Rental Script.
Here I have explained some advantages of our Accommodation Rental Script. They are,
Multiple Login & Signup:
You can do multiple entries from Social via login add-on makes it easy to register and log in. Hosts and Guests log in using their social Gmail & Facebook accounts. Later they can update their profile information.
Verified Users:
While using the Social via login by the user’s admin can verify with their social media profiles.
Advanced Search and Filters:
Our Custom Airbnb Clone Script has the advanced search and filtering option, so users can easily find out the rental properties.
Flexible Profile Management:
Admin can manage website users like Hosts & Customers. In the admin panel, there is an option to view and modify user details.
In Our Airbnb Clone script Host described renting their properties like a home, room or some spaces means have to list here. Listing is one of the Host Responsible functions.
Multiple Booking Options:
If the guest satisfies the listing then they go for the booking, here our script supports two types of booking options like Instant Booking & Request Booking.
Multiple Payment Options:
Our Airbnb Clone Script supports Laravel Frameworks so they have built-in default payment gateways are PayPal & Stripe. PayPal makes payments through PayPal account and Stripe makes payments through credit or debit card.
Refund Option:
If the guest likes to cancel their booking before the check-in date, contact the website host, and admin. They will check with the cancellation policy and provide a refund amount to the guest.
Admin Commission:
Once the booking is completed at the time admin detects the commission and the rest of the amount are transferred to the Host account. Admin commission in terms of percentage or Fee.
Our Buy2rental is the perfect accommodation rental script to build your own Space Rental Business. It is a full-fledged Accommodation Booking software. Also, you can earn an admin commission for every transaction.