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SEO Best Practices to Boost Your Site Ranking

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SEO Best Practices set of tasks designed to help improve your website’s search engine rankings. In search engine optimization, best practices include on-site optimization, researching keywords, and building backlinks to a site. A successful search engine optimization policy involves different tactics across your digital marketing mix.

Some SEO Tips Include content marketing, blog publishing and technology and etc.

How to Improve Your Site Rank By The Help of SEO Best Practices

SEO Best Practices - Business

Below are eight tips on SEO best practices for on-page optimization to improve your website. They are,

Title Tags:

While creating a blog your title tag should be written like this primary keyword, secondary keyword, and brand name. Use a dash in within your keyword phrases and a pipe at the end before your brand name. Your title must be unique. Create a title tag at 55 characters.

Meta descriptions:

After creating a title tag let’s move on Meta description. Your Meta description must be 150 to 160 characters so that it becomes very strong then only it will attract the customers. A unique Meta description is a must. Avoid quotes or any non-alpha characters on your Meta description.

Meta keywords:

Meta keywords used to be successful back in the day. However, nowadays Google or another search engine for that matter also does not hold any weight to Meta keywords so go ahead and skip this.

Content with Targeted Keyword Phrases:

While creating content it must be relevant for that keyword phrase. Use keywords on the content. Insert links from other blogs within your website that point back to this page. After creating content have to check grammar and plagiarism because search engines will see that you have duplicate content and penalize you for it.

Header tags and keyword phrases:

Use your keyword phrase once in your Header tag. Use Header tags on pages you are trying to drive unique traffic to SEO pages. Use subheading like H2 tags if there are multiple sections.

Internal page linking with anchor text:

When linking to another page on your website site from within content, select good anchor text to use in the actual link and do this often.

Image ALT tags and filenames:

Name all of your images in a way that describes what they are your keyword. Also, you can use dashes between the words, rather than underscores on that fine name. Do not apply non-alpha characters in your image name or file names.

Make content easy to read:

Your content should be roughly three sentences long. Many long sentences will lose users’ attention. Use bullet points and bolding to break up long blocks of content. Users tend to scan content viewing for keywords. Do not use too many bullets and bolding on the content.

Best Seo Practices to increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your Online Marketplace Business through organic search